The METAL IS BACK! A brand new all metallic billet aluminum IntraOral Camera handpiece that is literally indestructible and chemically resistant. Handsomely designed with a polished, brushed appearance and color plated handpiece shell. It’s rated as the most durable intraoral camera on the market! This camera is also a USB direct plug-in device using Microsoft’s new UVC device platform so it’s totally plug-and-play and doesn’t require drivers. Image is processed by a high resolution C-MOS sensor and proprietary lighting, requiring just two FF-LEDs. Camera features small anti-fog lens/tip, onboard controls with buttons top & bottom for capturing, light intensity, gray scale, a Visual Enhancement mode (VET) which enables transillumination to see cracks, decay and vascular disorders. Camera also features electronic pointing arrow and image orientation and is compatible with both PCs and Macs.
The ImageMaster USB is a UVC plug-and-play intraoral camera that does not require drivers to operate. It is completely digital, uses a high resolution C-MOS imaging sensor and a proprietary lighting system requiring only two LEDs. Features include: Ergonomic handpiece with a small anti-fog lens tip. Button controls at both top & bottom for capturing, three levels of light intensity, a gray scale (black & white), a new Visual Enhancement Technology mode (VET), that enables transillumination to better help see cracks, decay and vascular disorders, an electronic on-screen pointing arrow for pointing out concerned areas and choices of image orientation (mirrored or direct views). Camera comes in optional colored plastic or in a new all Billet aluminum handpiece package. Camera is Plug and Play in both PC (XP/7&8) and Macs.
888-GR8-IMAGE (478-4624)