Each appointment no-show that hits your schedule costs your practice a lot of money! Non-attendance costs practices close to $970 million per year. [1] With non-attendance rates generally between 15% and 30% in outpatient health [2], just one skipped appointment increases overall waiting times and cost of care, while reducing appointment availability, patient satisfaction, and the quality of patient and staff relationships.
Using a reminder service like AutoRemind can minimize no-shows, and even make more money for your practice. Patients are more likely to keep their appointments when they receive customizable text, email, or voice reminders of their preference. Using reminders improves overall patient communication and retention, and increases the likelihood of patients scheduling recall appointment with a practice.
Automated reminders save staff time, too. Automating this task allows staff to focus on other important clerical tasks, like answering phones in a timely manner and providing exceptional service to your patients. Because AutoRemind integrates directly with your schedule in MacPractice, there is no additional software to learn or hefty maintenance to burden staff. You’ll simply set the patient’s preferences on the first reminder.
Automated Reminders pay for themselves, and they are part of any modern practice. Many patients rely on them or even expect them. You’ll save time, reduce no-show appointments, and attract even more patient business with customizable, automated reminders.
1,2: McLean, S. M., Booth, A., Gee, M., Salway, S., Cobb, M., Bhanbhro, S., & Nancarrow, S. A. (2016). Appointment reminder systems: results of a systematic review and evidence synthesis employing realist principles. Patient Preference and Adherence, 10, 479–499. http://doi.org/10.2147/PPA.S93046