MacPractice understands better billing. We've always built our software to be a powerful tool for revenue cycle management, eClaims, and simply making billing easier. A few years ago, we also launched MacPractice Business Services to help our clients thrive by giving them access to the most experienced, dedicated billing and coding professionals we've trained as experts in the MacPractice platform. 

Along the way, our clients have found that the savings of outsourcing their medical or dental billing to our professional team often pays for the costs of hiring MacPractice Business Services. Better Billing with MacPractice Services can even save some practices in the long view. Every practice we work with saves when you consider the cost to hire a new employee is $4,129, not including benefits.

Consider these five reasons to outsource your billing to MacPractice Business Services.

Billing Services Blaze a Path Forward 

Many practices use third-party billing services to help them scale immediate trouble through treacherous billing waters. Unfortunately, even a temporary staffing shortage could create an Accounts Receivable setback for your practice. Short term services (usually less than six months) are perfect for assisting practices to overcome a temporary billing problem before it escalates to a crisis. With flexible plans and competitive pricing, many offices also consult MacPractice Business Services to prepare for staff medical leave, vacations, or even better billing management. 

Billing Services Help You Prioritize Patients 

Billing and coding grow increasingly more complex each year, and both require resources, time, and effort that you may not have on reserve right now. Without the proper billing resources, you must shoulder the responsibility of an entire profession on top of trying to excel at being a quality doctor. You may be missing out on meaningful relationships that would help you grow and nurture your practice. You are most certainly missing out on opportunities to provide the best care possible to your patients.

Billing Services Focus Your Financial Health

Billing is time-consuming and complex, but without the proper attention to your billing process, your practice can quickly lose out on thousands of dollars in reimbursements and may not even stay afloat. Professional services like MacPractice Business Services can reduce rejections and denials, increase collections, and get your accounts receivable under control. Alleviating the burden of billing and coding can result in more money for your practice and more time for your staff to focus on other tasks. 

Billing Services Streamline Your Revenue Cycle

You are not alone if managing your patients' health and billing while staying current on billing trends, updated rules and regulations, coding standards, payer demands, and the constant ebb and flow of rejection, denials, appeals, and resubmissions seems like too much or is burying your practice. Your clinical skills, combined with our billing expertise, will keep your practice financially sound while you focus on patient care. You'll collect faster, even amid declining revenues and increasing billing complexity. Our billing services reduce administrative and billing work.

Billing Services Help You Grow Your Practice

The faster your practice is growing, the more directions you'll find your attention pulled. You may find yourself overwhelmed with providing for your patients, supporting your employees, growing your business, and managing your reputation. Rather than weigh staff down with something you can outsource, you can choose to take those administrative tasks off their hands and empower them to provide meaningful patient care and service during your growing pains. You'll be investing in a cycle of growth when your staff can focus on delivering quality to patients.