Apple technology has never been more popular because of its user-friendly design, ease of use and longevity. Did you know that 64% of the US population owns an Apple product of some kind* (iPhone, iMac, iPad, etc.) and the average American household owns 2.6 Apple products? And those percentages go up as family income rises.

We know dentists have iMacs at home and iPhones in their pocket but may have been hesitant to run their dental practice with Apple technology. And while many dentists ask ‘can I run my dental practice on a Mac,’ the answer is simple. Running your practice on Apple technology has never been more accessible or more affordable. Currently, less than 10% of dentists use Mac computers, but they claim easy setup, lower total cost of ownership and happier staff and workplace as the main reasons for switching platforms.

These days, there are plenty of choices when it comes to Mac-compatible digital radiography, sensors, pans, cephs and 3D equipment. All of the necessary and vital peripherals now run effortlessly on a Mac just as efficiently as a PC. And if you want to go paperless, Mac’s make it easy to streamline your office with electronic health records built in.

Add to that Apple’s long-standing advantage on minimal to non-existent virus and malware, and their bullet-proof design means they last longer so you don’t have to replace your computers every 3 years like PC owners who have their IT guy on speed dial.  Here’s why more and more entrepreneurs and dentists are finally switching.**

Computers and software are the ‘brains’ of the practice. You can’t run a practice in this day and age without dependable computers and robust software that complements your growing practice. If you’re happy with your PC, then stick with it, but if you’ve been dissatisfied with crashes and malware infecting your PC, the time has never been better to make the switch to Mac computers and Apple technology.

