Organizations that handle protected health information and participate in programs such as MIPS are required to perform a HIPAA Security Risk Assessment on an annual basis to fulfill their obligations to PHI security and privacy. Managing compliance can be messy and tedious – especially if you are using spreadsheets and emails and dealing with multiple clinics and practices and it can be especially difficult if you leave it to the end of the year.
Join us on October 12, as we discuss what is required as part of the HIPAA SRA and what you can do to complete your SRA before the end of year deadline and know you are meeting the HIPAA compliance requirements for 2021.
Let us help you have confidence in your compliance program and check HIPAA off your to-do list.
Session Key Take-a-ways:
- Current healthcare security landscape
- Understanding HIPAA and your responsibilities
- Common mistakes organizations make when undertaking an SRA
- Triggers for performing a HIPAA security risk analysis
- Steps to achieving a successful compliance program
Who Should Attend?
- Administrative and Clinical Staff
- Healthcare IT Support Staff
- Privacy, Security and Compliance Officers
- Anyone involved in security and privacy at academic medical centers, healthcare delivery organizations, research centers, law firms, etc.
Register for this FREE webinar now!