This isn’t precisely the billing crisis anyone expected, however now more than ever, the modern small to mid-sized practice is under much pressure to focus on patient care rather than billing. Practice owners are struggling with a lot of new variables and old challenges all at once. Healthcare billing in the United States hasn’t gotten any easier to make up for the extra demands. 

As the creators of some of the best software for doctors, MacPractice has long understood that the time and effort practices must put into billing isn’t always worthy of the amount of attention it demands of them. A few years ago, we launched MacPractice Business Services to help our clients thrive by putting this task in the hands of experienced, dedicated professionals who know our software. 

Many practices chose MacPractice because they knew that having the right system in place would help their practices grow and stay successful, despite the complexity they encounter daily. Now that the complexity of managing a patient health population has gotten even more challenging, we offer a few new reasons to consider outsourcing your patient billing to MacPractice Business Services.

Make patients your priority.

Your patients need quality care from both you and your staff. Billing can get in the way of that dynamic. Just like patient care is why you became a doctor, it’s why your team wants to work for your practice. The care you provide is also why your patients chose you. Since everyone involved agrees, don’t let lousy billing get in the way of the service and care you all value. Instead, hire the best and be the best.

Focus beyond billing.

Billing and coding grow increasingly more complex each year, and both require resources, time, and effort that you may not have on reserve right now. Without the proper billing resources, you must shoulder the responsibility of an entire profession on top of trying to excel at being a quality doctor. You may be missing out on meaningful relationships that would help you grow and nurture your practice. You are most certainly missing out on opportunities to provide the best care possible to your patients.

Work with the best billers in the field. 

Your assigned MacPractice Business Services billing specialist has an average of 20+ years of experience in helping practices with revenue cycle management. MacPractice Business Services eliminates the need to hire new employees, train and maintain billing staff, or purchase new hardware and software. We provide you with a dedicated billing representative for continuity, and our team is thoroughly trained and up-to-date on billing in any specialty.

Increase patient satisfaction.

Patients have need quality healthcare service during each encounter with your practice. Most practices tell us that patient health and satisfaction is at the core of every business decision they make. While the healthcare you provide is far more critical to your patients than other services, the quality of service that patients receive when it comes to billing and financial matters is just as essential in healthcare as it would be in any other business. When you or your staff take on the additional role of billing, it can leave your patients feeling undervalued.

Secure your revenue stream. 

Our team of experienced insurance specialists ensures insurance payers get claim information quickly, and then we compare payments with our expected reimbursement to identify opportunities for insurance appeal. Our Long-Term Billing program allows your practice to avoid dealing with regulations and managing billing and personnel in-house, while we take care of everything to increase your revenue. We are experts at getting through to insurance companies. If there are any claims denied, our professional billers at MacPractice Business Services find out why fast, and refile or appeal. We make sure denied or underpaid claims for covered services get paid.

About MacPractice Business Services

Whether you are looking for a short term billing service solution or are ready to hand it off, we have a dedicated group of employees inside of MacPractice prepared to handle your billing. Our Medical and Dental Billing Services help recover lost revenue and increase reimbursement while freeing up time to focus on patient care.