It’s not just a two day break from the office, it’s an experience. 

MacPractice’s yearly User Conference is a chance for providers and staffers to meet with other users, learn about upcoming changes in the software, and enjoy the beautiful scenery. 

And with the conference being hosted this year in Portland, Oregon, there will be plenty of beautiful scenery to go around. 

MacPractice will have several trainers in attendance so you will get the chance to explore the software with an expert and ask all those questions that can build up during the work day. Users can also speak with our vendors and explore the third party softwares that interface with our software. 

But as much as we at MacPractice attempt to tailor abilities to meet office needs, sometimes you just have a bounce ideas off someone in the same position as yourself. Providers and staffers can collaborate with other users from across the country to dissertate the best practice management techniques to suit your office needs. 

And after two days of getting the lowdown on entering patient data, navigating preferences, and making an array of connections, users can look forward to hearing all the latest news from MacPractice CEO, Mark Hollis. 

Every year, Mark gives users a sense of what is currently in development and has been recently implemented in the software. Users will get a hands-on learning experience to view how new abilities will work in MacPractice with the guidance of our knowledgeable trainers. 

This will be MacPractice’s eighth user conference; 100% of clients surveyed after previous conferences indicate they would attend again. So are we going to see you again? Or for the first time? Either way - we’ll be excited to see you in Portland this Summer!

If you have any further questions, including those about pricing and registration, please peruse our conference site! You can also email, live chat with a support representative, or call 402-420-2430.