Widespread Patient Portal adoption has helped increase overall patient engagement with 70% of surveyed patients reporting that they’ve used a portal in 2017. According to a survey CDW Healthcare survey released at HIMSS17, an impressive 98% of patients have access to a patient portal through a general practice or specialist.
Surveyors note that doctors and staff promoting and educating patients on the use of their practices’ portals has made a dramatic impact on patients signing up to use them, leading to a nearly 74% enrollment rate. The survey suggests usability of the Patient Portal is key to patient enrollment, as is the availability of other useful features such as Online Scheduling and Secure Messaging with the practice.
Many doctors credit a patient’s request or multiple requests to access a patient portal for their decision to provide the functionality to their patients. Doctors also say they provide Patient Portals to enhance patient experience, modernize their technology use, and to meet Meaningful Use requirements.
While some patients might not be aware of the brand of software their providers choose to use, many are developing more awareness of how the security of their health information is impacted by the reliability of the software doctors use. This awareness brings to light features available to patients to securely access their records through Patient Portals, as opposed to less secure methods such as email (which is a HIPAA violation.)