If you plan on attending Yankee Dental Congress in Boston this week, please visit us at Booth #1129 to catch a glimpse the latest MacPractice DDS features. We are also honored to exhibit at Dr. Paul Feuerstein's High Tech Playground (Booth 444). Watch this video to see Dr. Paul Feuerstein of Dentistry Today talk to MacPractice CEO Mark Hollis about integrated online patient services, EHR Certification, enhanced data security, and more.
Recently, Mark Hollis discussed electronic prescribing (eRx) requirements and how we've implemented eRx features in MacPractice in this Dental Software Advisor Podcast. Amendments to the rules and regulations regarding the electronic prescribing of controlled substances (EPCS) have been adopted and become effective March 27, 2015 for all practitioners in the state of New York. The final regulation authorizes and requires practitioners to submit electronic prescriptions for all controlled and non-controlled substances. MacPractice offers electronic prescribing services through NewCrop, which meet federal and New York requirements for both EPCS and non-controlled substances. MacPractice achieved certification on January 18, 2014 in accordance with the DEA's Interim Final Rule. If you would like more information about ePrescribe and EPCS services, please contact our enrollment department at enrollments@macpractice.com or call 877-220-8418.