MacPractice MD partners with MedAvant for innovative solutions

Lincoln, NE - October 10, 2006 - MacPractice, Inc. and MedAvant Healthcare Solutions have agreed to collaborate to tightly integrate their solutions so that MacPractice customers have a seamless user experience.

MedAvant's services help healthcare providers avoid delays in payments and save hours of staff time by verifying eligibility and automating claim submission and posting bulk payments. MacPractice is the only MedAvant vendor dedicated to the Mac OS X operating system.

The number of claims submitted to MedAvant from MacPractice users increased 415 percent from September 2005 to August 2006, making MacPractice one of MedAvant's fastest growing vendors.

"We look forward to continue working with MacPractice to develop innovative ways to make our customers successful," said John Lettko, MedAvant CEO. "Our partnership will result in industry-leading practices for electronic data interchange."